Barite on Fluorite from Illinois
Barite on Fluorite from Illinois

Barite on Fluorite from Illinois

Your Price: $2,300.00
Part Number:JV23-BARFL
From: Sub-Rosiclare Level, Annabel Lee Mine, Hardin Co., Illinois, USA 
Size: 8.9 x 7.2 x 5.8cm
Weight: 442g 

This exceptional barite & fluorite specimen from Illinois was mined in 1992 and is formerly from the G & J Megerle Collection and later acquired by the famous fluorite collector Ross Lilly. The backside of the specimen is relatively flat and translucent, so when light shines on it the face of the specimen lights up and makes all of the surface details stand out. The main cube is covered in smaller cubic formations, and while it looks deep-purple in normal lighting, once lit you can see that the core is actuall colorless with most of the purple on the outer zone of each cube. The barite has a wonderful sparkle to it and is in excellent condition. 

The specimen comes with a custom display base.

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