Calcite & Celestine from Pugh Quarry, Ohio
Calcite & Celestine from Pugh Quarry, Ohio

Calcite & Celestine from Pugh Quarry, Ohio

Your Price: $1,000.00
Part Number:TA24-CALCEL
From: Pugh Quartty, Weston, Ohio, USA 
Size: 6.8 x 6.8 x 6.8cm 
Weight: 244g 

Good Calcite w/ Celestine combos from the Pugh Quarry are quite rare, and this one is without a doubt the best one we've seen. This specimen has a 3 orange calcite crystals, the larget of which is 5.6cm long and double-terminated. These crystals are clustered together aesthetically on a matrix covered with small, blue celestine crystals. If you are a collector of Pugh Quarry specimens this one is really special. 

This specimen comes with a custom display base.

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