Iridescent Pyrite on Calcite from China
Iridescent Pyrite on Calcite from China

Iridescent Pyrite on Calcite from China

Your Price: $1,300.00
Part Number:TA24-IRICAL
From: Leiping Mine, Guiyang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China 
Size: 10.3 x 12.0 x 8.6cm 
Weight: 914g 

We love iridescent pyrite on calcite specimens, and it is really getting hard to acquire good ones anymore because nothing of any quality is coming out of the mines, so the specimens with great rainbow iridescence come on the market when a collector decides to sell one. That's the case with this specimen as we were lucky enough to acquire it from a collector. The pyrite has a great range of colors from greens to yellows to oranges, and the sparkle is amazing! The calcite crystals appear light gray in ambient lighting, but light up white when illuminated. The condition of the pyrite is excellent while there is some chipping on the edges of the calcite crystals. 

This specimen comes with a custom display base.

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