Large Apatite on Muscovite from Pakistan
Large Apatite on Muscovite from Pakistan

Large Apatite on Muscovite from Pakistan

Your Price: $1,200.00
Part Number:DU21-APAT
From: Nagar, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan 
Size: 5.4 x 5.6 x 4.6cm
Weight: 114g

Wow! That's the reaction this specimen brings. A large, beautiful Apatite crystal sits aesthetically on a bed of muscovite. The apatite crystal is 3.3cm wide, and the color is amazing! Superb luster and is very gemmy. The crystal is in perfect condition with no dings. This is a real beauty! 

The specimen comes with a one of our custom Greenstone Mineral Bases.

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