Large Aquamarine on Scheelite
Large Aquamarine on Scheelite

Large Aquamarine on Scheelite

Your Price: $4,600.00
Part Number:TZ20-SCHEE
From: Mt. Xuebaoding, Pingwu Co., Sichuan Prov., China
Size: 7.0 x 9.2 x 6.2cm
Weight: 506g (including base) 

Wow! Here's a crazy combo that you'll never see again - at least not as incredible as this! A giant aquamarine crystal is perfectly perched atop the tip of an orange scheelite crystal. The aesthetics are mind boggling! The aquamarine crystal is 7cm wide, and has the typical pale blue color of Chinese aqua. The orange scheelite crystal has some muscovite crystals growing on it, and the back of the aqua also has some. Upon close inspection you can see that the aqua crystal is actually 2 different aqua crystals stacked together, and they have grown together almost perfectly. 

The specimen comes with a labeled display base.

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