Neon Blue Fluorite from Peru
Neon Blue Fluorite from Peru

Neon Blue Fluorite from Peru

Your Price: $350.00
Part Number:TA24-BLUPERU
From: Huayllapon Mine, Pasto Bueno, Ancash, Peru 
Size: 5.9 x 4.0 x 1.9cm 
Weight: 84g 

Blue fluorite from Peru is very rare, and this one looks like candy! This specimen has a neon-blue inner core with a colorless outer shell which gives it a jelly-like appearance. The specimen appears to be a floater. It clearly was a chip off of a larger crystal at some point, but then it continue to grow, so the entire surface is crystallized. They're hard to see, but there are also some tiny pyrite crystals on the surface of the fluorite.

This specimen comes with a custom display base.

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