Planet Mine Chrysocolla
Planet Mine Chrysocolla

Planet Mine Chrysocolla

Your Price: $1,200.00
Part Number:DC23-BIGPLAN
From: Planet Mine, Buckskin Mountains, La Paz County, Arizona, USA 
Size: 8.1 x 16.0 x 8.0cm
Weight: 376g

This rather large specimen of botryoidal chrysocolla on matrix comes from the famous Planet Mine find from a few years ago. The really good specimens like this got bought up very quickly, so it is rare to find off of this quality and size anymore. The photos don't do the color justice because it's a strange neon shade of blue that the camera just cannot capture. The crystals are a darker shade of blue on the left side of the specimen and a lighter, greener shade on the right side. 

The specimen comes with a custom display base.

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