Quartz on Chrysocolla ps. Malachite from DR Congo
Quartz on Chrysocolla ps. Malachite from DR Congo

Quartz on Chrysocolla ps. Malachite from DR Congo

Your Price: $1,300.00
Part Number:DC24-CHRYSOPSM
From: Tenke Deposit, Lualaba, DR Congo 
Size: 7.0 x 5.6 x 4.4cm
Weight: 68g

Talk about aesthetics! Wow! This crazy combo pseudomorph is absolutely gorgous from the great formations and shape to the neon blue color. It appears that this specimen started its life as a malachite stalactite cluster. Then a layer of gypsum covered it followed by a layer of chrysocolla and then a fine layer of sparkly quartz drusy. Even the broken tip on the right side has chrysocolla and quartz growing back over it so it is partially re-healed. 

This specimen comes with a custom display base.

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