Ktenasite on Calcite from Kansas
Ktenasite on Calcite from Kansas

Ktenasite on Calcite from Kansas

Your Price: $1,100.00
Part Number:DC24-KTEN
From: Mid-Continent Mine, Treece, Cherokee Co., Kansas, USA 
Size: 3.8 x 6.6 x 3.0cm
Weight: 60g

Here's something we've never seen before, or heard of before: Ktenasite. The tourquoise-blue coating on this calcite crystal is Ktenasite, and the darker material is some shiny chalcopyrite and darker sphalerite. It's a very eye-catching and unusual specimen which is quite old. It comes with a very old Harry Sering label that is probably from the 1970's. The label also is interesting because it mis-identifies some of the minerals here and refers to the blue coating as Melanterite and says there is micro-selenite on the calcite as well, but it's probably all just Ktenasite. 

This specimen comes with a custom display base.

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